Reset, Renew, and Refill

A new year often causes us to review past mistakes and successes. Even if we don’t create an  official resolution, many of us reflect on changes we want to make. There are some current trends of people getting together and creating vision boards or prayer boards to keep themselves focused on their intentions in 2025. We encourage all of this but we also recommend evaluating three different areas of your life to see how you can live a more healthy and fulfilling life, which is the ultimate mission here at Mental Health Fauquier. 

Resetting Boundaries and Renewing Relationships

Connectioning with others is key to combatting loneliness and depression. But that doesn’t mean that all relationships are good for your wellbeing. It’s important to protect your peace. You have an inherent right to feel safe, validated, appreciated, and valued in a relationship. You also have a right to decrease time spent with anyone who doesn’t make you feel this way. 

On the other hand, the relationships that contribute positively to your life and your mental health should be cultivated, nourished, and renewed. Make the extra effort to plan time with the people who build you up and cheer for you. Make that call, send that text, plan that get together. Show others that your friendship with them is important… that they matter to you. 

Listening Well

When communicating with others, are you giving your full attention or are you thinking about what to say next? One way you can really make others feel valued is by listening well. In our Mental Health First Aid classes, we review how to listen and respond empathetically to someone who may be experiencing a mental health concern. But this advice can be used in other situations to create more meaningful connections with the people in your life. 

Refilling Your Cup

We have all heard the phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and this rings true when it comes to living a mentally healthy life. Taking care of yourself is crucial. Without self-care, your self-esteem, your outlook on life, and your relationships can suffer greatly. Making the time to care for yourself will help you care for others. 

Follow along as we provide some ideas for writing a new chapter in your life in 2025. Attend a Lunch & Learn, sign up for a Mental Health First Aid class, connect with us at an event, or contact us if you need help. We care about you.


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Helping a loved one through the holidays during times of grief and loss