October’s Lunch & Learn will be presented by Tonya L. Meunier (pronounced Menyer).
Tonya has two daughters, ages 27 and 22, and two grandchildren, ages 2 and 7. She served in the United States Army for less than three years and was Medically Discharged under Honorable Conditions. She worked for several years in law enforcement with the Virginia Department of Corrections. She is currently a 100% Service-Connected Veteran who now serves her time volunteering with other veterans through the American Legion.
Tonya is the Commander of American Legion Post 284 in Colonial Heights, the 11th District 3rd Vice Commander for the American Legion Department of Virginia, and works at the Department level as their Photographer, Vice Chair for the Eastern Region Women Outreach Committee, and Vice Chair for the Conference and Convention Committee. She has served as the 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, 3rd Vice Commander, Membership Chairman, and Fundraising Chairman and has served on both the Executive Committee and the Finance Planning Committee at American Legion Post 284. Post 284 is located in Colonial Heights, VA, and is the 2nd largest American Legion Post in the State of Virginia with approximately 850 members who have, or are currently, serving our country in the Armed Forces.
She is also the Assistant Director for 20&4, Echelon 24, Department of Virginia. The 200&4 is the Honor Society of Women Legionnaires. This Honor Society is made of Women Legionnaires who have served in positions of leadership throughout their years as members of the American Legion. The purpose and goals of the 20&4 is to advocate for women veterans, to include their needs in navigating the Veteran’s Administration and society in general.
Tonya enjoy spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren, doing arts and crafts, and reading. But she especially enjoys helping Veterans with their needs.
Tonya will present about:
Women Veterans and their unique needs
Resources the VAs are increasing in Women Veteran Needs
Resources the VAs are lacking in Women Veteran Needs
What we can do within Community Boards to address these needs
How the Community Board can assist